Maddog's HTML for Real People Chapter 2, Lesson 9

[INDEX] Ch 2, L 9 - Centering Text and Stuff

If you already know how to center text in a web page, you can skip this lesson.

Centering is one of the easiest ways to make your web page look better. (just try saying "OMMMMmmmm" for about 30 minutes; you'll be more centered, and eveything will look better...). The HTML tag pair < ;CENTER> </CENTER> does this for us. Everything between the opening tag <CENTER> and the closing tag </CENTER> gets centered on the receiving browser's screen. Let's see it work:

HTML Source Code Follows:

Hello! Some words of wisdom follow:
<H2>Wise Thoughts</H2>
<I><H4>The wise man does not try to get a sun tan on a rainy day;<BR>
but tries instead to think wise thoughts at home all day</H4></I>
(from the I Ching, progressive translation)<BR>
(End of HTML Source Code)

Demonstration Follows:

Hello! Some words of wisdom follow:

Wise Thoughts

The wise man does not try to get a sun tan on a rainy day
but tries instead to think deep thoughts at home all day

(from the I Ching, progressive translation)

(Demonstartion Ends)

Neato, huh? No matter how narrow or wide the screen is on the faraway browser, the material between the tags will be perfectly centered. (we'll be on the web "Top 5%" list in no time, now...)

Overseer: Monty Northrup ... ... leave e-mail ... maddog 'n' miracles homepage...