Maddog's HTML for Real People Chapter 2

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[INDEX]         Chapter 2 - Simple Text Documents
This Chapter is devoted to learning how to use HTML ( HyperText Markup Language) for building simple text-only web pages. Each Lesson will reveal one aspect of writing such pages. Before beginning this chapter, you should understand the purpose and the form of the all-important HTML tag. You should also have a general understanding of the role the web page, the browser, the ISP servers, and the internet.

In this chapter, we'll build a bare-bones document which does next-to-nothing, but which is essential to our understanding of how HTML is written. Next, we'll discover how to create a title for our document, and how to write simple text. To fancy things up a bit, we'll then examine headlines, word-wrapping, white-space, paragraphs, how to make the line end, and how to center stuff on the page. Lastly, we'll introduce the use of comments for recording what clever things we might be doing.

If you are sure you already know how to do all these things, you can skip this chapter

Upon completing the lessons, we'll offer a short quiz whereby you can access your skills. If you have some prior HTML experience, you may want to begin with the quiz, to find out if you might "skip the chapter". To finish the chapter, we'll present a practice exercise, to make sure everything is crystal-clear. An example solution to the exercise will be made available via link, in case you're having trouble getting your web page to work (or for those who don't believe in practicing). The solution (yours or ours), can be used as a starting template in building your own oh-so-fine web page.


Overseer: Monty Northrup ... ... leave e-mail ...