"HTML" is:
Hyper Translation Material Location
a language for building web pages
A specification for transferring web pages over the internet
the four little letters every divorce lawyer hates to hear
An HTML file:
requires a special HTML editor to create
is a simple text file
Can only be transferred via wireless medium
cannot be deleted from the ISP's hard disk
The ISP:
is trying to soak you for every cent you're worth
modifies web pages stored on its machine
has no connection with the internet
probably has disk space available for web pages
A "link" :
points to a URL
occurs when an HTML document is loaded
cannot be used on a graphical web page
would taste better with moldy sauerkraut on it
Which of the following is NOT true:
HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol
HTTP is a system of methods for transferring web
page files
HTTP is a document spec which defines how web pages are written
an HTTP server exists on your ISP's computer
TRUE or FALSE: You must have an special HTML Editor software to build web pages.
You can do the following with a simple text editor:
spend a lot of money on the software
transfer HTML files
get blisters on your fingers
build, and edit web page files
Which of the following is NOT true about transferring HTML files to your ISP:
disk space must be alloted for you on your ISP's computer
FTP can be used to transfer HTML files to the service provider
this is how you "publish" your web page
a substantial fee is charged by your ISP each time a you post a web page
TRUE or FALSE: The browser parses the HTML file and creates the graphical document for viewing.
TRUE or FALSE: The operator, via the browser, initiates an HTML file transfer over the internet:
Which of the following is NOT true?
HTML is ALWAYS stored as a simple text file
only a simple text editor is required to edit HTML files
control codes may be embedded in the HTML file
it is the job of the ISP server to convert the HTML file to a graphical web page
Which of the following is TRUE about HTML tags?
you can use either '%' or '< >' as an escape sequence
they form an instruction to the browser to implement a feature
</B> means "start using bold text"
only text embedded in a tag will be viewed on the browser screen