Maddog's HTML for Real People Chapter 1, Quiz Answers

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[INDEX]         Ch 1, Q UIZ - Quiz on How It All Works
Here are the answers to this chapter's quiz:

"HTML" is:
[  ] Hyper Translation Material Location
[X] a language for building web pages
[  ] A specification for transferring web pages over the internet
[  ] the four little letters every divorce lawyer hates to hear

An HTML file:
[  ] requires a special HTML editor to create
[X] is a simple text file
[  ] Can only be transferred via wireless medium
[  ] cannot be deleted from the ISP's hard disk

The ISP:
[  ] is trying to soak you for every cent you're worth
[  ] modifies web pages stored on its machine
[  ] has no connection with the internet
[X] probably has disk space available for web pages

A "link" :
[X] points to a URL
[  ] occurs when an HTML document is loaded
[  ] cannot be used on a graphical web page
[  ] would taste better with moldy sauerkraut on it

Which of the following is NOT true:
[  ] HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol
[  ] HTTP is a system of methods for transferring web page files
[X] HTTP is a document spec which defines how web pages are written
[  ] an HTTP server exists on your ISP's computer

TRUE or FALSE: You must have an special HTML Editor software to build web pages.
[  ] True
[X] False

You can do the following with a simple text editor:
[  ] spend a lot of money on the software
[  ] transfer HTML files
[  ] get blisters on your fingers
[X] build, and edit web page files

Which of the following is NOT true about transferring HTML files to your ISP:
[  ] disk space must be alloted for you on your ISP's computer
[  ] FTP can be used to transfer HTML files to the service provider
[  ] this is how you "publish" your web page
[X] a substantial fee is charged by your ISP each time a you post a web page

TRUE or FALSE: The browser parses the HTML file and creates the graphical document for viewing.
[X] True
[  ] False

TRUE or FALSE: The operator, via the browser, initiates an HTML file transfer over the internet:
[X] True
[  ] False

Which of the following is NOT true?
[  ] HTML is ALWAYS stored as a simple text file
[  ] only a simple text editor is required to edit HTML files
[  ] control codes may be embedded in the HTML file
[X] it is the job of the ISP server to convert the HTML file to a graphical web page

Which of the following is TRUE about HTML tags?
[  ] you can use either '%' or '< >' as an escape sequence
[X] they form an instruction to the browser to implement a feature
[  ] </B> means "start using bold text"
[  ] only text embedded in a tag will be viewed on the browser screen


Overseer: Monty Northrup ... ... leave e-mail ... maddog 'n' miracles homepage...