Module: Transmit Driver
Gain and Filter; provides drive to RF Power Amplifier
- POWER: 9-15 VDC, 5.5 x 2.5mm power jack
- RF IN: Zin = 200 ohms, expect 0.8 V p-p, RCA Jack
- RF OUT: Zout = 50 ohms, BNC Jack
- KEY IN: Zin >=10K, driven by CMOS, RCA Jack, 0 V = key-down (i.e., transmit)
Operator Controls:
- Drive Level (may be screwdriver trimmer)
Key Specs or Limitations:
- Frequency: To be determined
- All stages should be linear (i.e., class A or AB)
- Expect Input signal of 0.8 V p-p into 200 ohms
- Output Power (at Vsupply=13VDC): 350 mW (10.8 V p-p into 50 ohms)
- At least one stage should have a tuned tank circuit
- Output stage should withstand loads of 5-500 ohms without damage
- Backwave (during key-up) should be at least 25 db down (i.e., < 1 mW)
Misc Notes:
Pay attention to keying waveshape, as this will influence final transmitted signal