Module: AF Filter
provide audio bandpass shaping or filtering, as appropriate for CW or SSB
- POWER: 9-15 VDC, 5.5 x 2.5mm power jack
- AF IN: Zin = 2K, RCA Jack
- AF OUT: Zout < 200 ohms, RCA Jack
- SAMP OUT: Zout < 200 ohms, RCA Jack (2nd buffered output for external AGC generator)
Operator Controls:
- CW/SSB switch
- others as required
Key Specs or Limitations:
- For SSB: LPF with Fc=2.5-3KHz or BPF = 300-3000 Hz
For SSB, midband (1 KHz) gain = 0 dB (i.e., x1)
- For CW: BPF with Fo = 750-800 (fixed, or include that freq if filter is variable)
For CW, Bandwidth (3 dB) 400-500 Hz (fixed)
For CW, Gain at Fo = 4-6 db
- Output : AC- coupled
Misc Notes: