Maddog's HTML for Real People Chapter 8, Lesson 6

[INDEX] Ch 8, L 6 - Specifying the Starting Number

If you already know how to specify the starting number for an ordered list, you can skip this lesson.

Sometimes you want a numbered list to begin with something other than "1" or "A". HTML gives us the 'START' attribute for use with the opening tag of ordered lists, and we can use it to specify the starting number or letter in the sequence. The form for this is:

<OL START="start-character">

Let's try this out:

HTML Source Code Follows:

<OL >
<U><B>Things Shakespeare is <I>Not</I> Famous For</B></U><BR>
<LI> inventing the macarena
<LI> judging chili cook-offs 
<LI> wearing trashy lipstick
<OL TYPE="a">
<U><B>Things the Pope is <I>Not</I> Famous For</B></U><BR>
<LI> numerous appearances on MTV
<LI> posing for body-builder magazines 
<LI> hobnobbing with the "Church Lady"
<OL START="4">
<U><B>More Things Shakespeare is <I>Not</I> Famous For</B></U><BR>
<LI> stumbling over words
<LI> playing his rap music too loud
<LI> walking on the moon
<OL TYPE="a" START="d">
<U><B>More Things the Pope is <I>Not</I> Famous For</B></U><BR>
<LI> painting graffiti on Michaelangelo's "Pieta"
<LI> street dancing in Vatican Square
<LI> throwing his cigarette butts on the ground
(End of HTML Source Code)

Demonstration Follows:

    Things Shakespeare is Not Famous For
  1. inventing the macarena
  2. judging chili cook-offs
  3. wearing trashy lipstick
    Things the Pope is Not Famous For
  1. numerous appearances on MTV
  2. posing for body-builder magazines
  3. hobnobbing with the "Church Lady"
    More Things Shakespeare is Not Famous For
  1. stumbling over words
  2. playing his rap music too loud
  3. walking on the moon
    More Things the Pope is Not Famous For
  1. painting graffiti on Michaelangelo's "Pieta"
  2. street dancing in Vatican Square
  3. throwing his cigarette butts on the ground

(Demonstration Ends)

Alas, not every browser fully supports the 'START' attribute. Netscape, for example, allowed the 'START' character to be specified for numerical sequences (1., 2., 3., ...) but not for the others. At any rate, most advanced browsers will support specifying the starting number for the default sequence, and you can see that applied in the example above, where the second "Shakespeare" list began with "4" rather than "1".


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