Maddog's HTML for Real People Chapter 7, Quiz

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[INDEX]         Ch 7, Q UIZ - Quiz Answers
Here are the answers to this chapter's quiz:

Which of the following statements about clickable links is NOT true:
[ X ] clickable images can be activated by clicking on the adjacent text
[   ] a clickable image is a link to another file or site
[   ] a clickable image is activated by clicking on the image
[   ] a clickable image performs just like a text link to the same reference

TRUE or FALSE: The browser will highlight a clickable image by drawing a colored border around it
[ X ] True
[   ] False

TRUE or FALSE: 'HEIGHT' and 'WIDTH' attributes cannot be used with clickable image links.
[   ] True
[ X ] False

Which of the following is a VALID clickable image?
[   ] <A HREF="newfile.htm#welcome" ></A><IMG SRC="image1.gif">
[ X ] <A HREF="newfile.htm#welcome"><IMG SRC="image1.gif"></A>
[   ] <A HREF="newfile.htm" IMG SRC="image1.gif"></A>
[   ] <IMG SRC="image1.gif"><A HREF="newfile.htm"></A>

TRUE or FALSE: The color of the border around a clickable image is determined by the 'BORDER' attribute.
[   ] True
[ X ] False

Which of the following attributes inserted in an image tag correctly implements a clickable image with NO border?
[ X ] BORDER=0
[   ] BORDER="0"
[   ] no 'BORDER' specified

A clickable image link with NO border is most appropriate for:
[   ] a large JPEG image
[   ] an off-page image
[ X ] an image that resembles a "button"
[   ] a thumbnail image

TRUE or FALSE: When used with a clickable image link, a clickable caption must be placed after the closing anchor '</A>' tag.
[   ] True
[ X ] False

'<A HREF="r.htm"><IMG SRC="img.gif">...a report</A>'
is equivalent to
'<A HREF="r.htm"><IMG SRC="img.gif"></A><A HREF="r.htm">...a report</A>

[ X ] True
[   ] False

TRUE or FALSE: text and can be aligned 'TOP', 'MIDDLE', or 'BOTTOM' to a clickable image
[ X ] True
[   ] False

Which of the following is NOT true about an image selected for a clickable image link?
[   ] the image is called an "icon" when it symbolizes the content of the link
[   ] the image is called a "thumbnail" if it represents a larger, off-page image
[ X ] the image MUST be a GIF image
[   ] the image should be relatively small


Overseer: Monty Northrup ... ... leave e-mail ... maddog 'n' miracles homepage...