Maddog's HTML for Real People Chapter 5

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[INDEX] Chapter 5 - Adding Color
In this chapter, we'll learn to add color to our web pages. Color can be a very powerful tool for making your web page more attractive. It also has the potential to make your web page unexpectedly but totally unreadable at the remote browser. We'll introduce guidelines for using color that will reduce the possibility of that happening.

If you already know how to use RGB color codes and color names, and how to control color for backgrounds, fonts, and links, you can skip this chapter.

Before beginning this chapter, you should be familiar with the HTML skeleton file (we won't explicitly show it here), placing and formatting text, adjusting font size, and building text-based hyperlinks. Review the Introduction, and the previous chapters if any of those things sound like a foreign language to you.

Upon completing the lessons, we'll offer a short quiz whereby you can access your skills. If you have some prior HTML experience, you may want to begin with the quiz, to find out if you might "skip the chapter". To finish the chapter, we'll present a practice exercise, to make sure everything is crystal-clear. An example solution to the exercise will be made available via link, in case you're having trouble getting your web page to work (or for those who don't believe in practicing). The solution (yours or ours), can be used as a starting template in building your own oh-so-fine web page.


Overseer: Monty Northrup ... ... leave e-mail ...