Maddog's HTML for Real People Chapter 4, Lesson 1

[INDEX] Ch 4, L 1 - Bold Text

If you already know how to turn "bolding" on and off in HTML, you can skip this lesson.

I'm c-r-a-z-y about bold text! Don't ask me why... perhaps it's because as a boy in parochial school, Sister Sarita was always telling me "don't get bold with me, young man!" (So now I use it way too much, as you probably noticed). You may never use it as much as I do, but you'll find it useful nevertheless.

You have your choice of two different tag pairs for making bold text:


Which you choose to use makes no difference, although some browsers may treat the 'STRONG' tag a little differently, perhaps by giving it a different color.

Chances are, you'll never know exactly how it looks at the receiving browser, because it's the browser's responsibility to select the default font, font color, font size, and methods for displaying special text. In many browsers, the operator can manipulate the default font settings, which makes things even more unpredictable. Most people use default selections though, so you can pretty much count on text at the receiving browser being black, in a proportional font.

All text placed between the opening <B> tag, and the closing </B> tag, or between the <STRONG>and <STRONG> tag, will be bolded. Here's a moronic application of bolding, but effective for demonstration purposes; every other word is bolded:

HTML Source Code Follows:

<STRONG>Turn</STRONG> off <STRONG>this</STRONG> bold<BR>
<B>before</B> I <B>go</B><BR>
(End of HTML Source Code)

Demonstration Follows:

Turn off this bold
before I go

(Demonstartion Ends)

Notice that the opening tag effectively says to the browser "turn bolding ON", while the closing tag says "now turn bolding OFF". By the way, if you see a difference between the bolded text on the first and second lines, your browser treats the 'STRONG' tag differently than the 'B' tag. Not bad, heh?


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