If you don't want to see the examples, you can skip this chapter.
Before beginning this chapter, you should be familiar with the HTML skeleton file (we won't explicitly show it here), placing and formatting text, adjusting font size and color, using background colors and images, using inline, off-page, and clickable ima ges, and using lists. In particular, you should be very comfortable with the application of HTML tags for building simple and graphical tables, as was presented in the two previous chapters. Review the Introduction, and the previous chapters if a ny of those things sound a little funny to you.
To observe the demonstration portions of each lesson, you'll need to have an advanced browser that supports tables. Most recent versions of Netscape and MS Internet Explorer qualify, as do others. If you have a different, or older browser, check your so ftware's documentation.
Since this chapter is primarily demonstrative, there will be no quiz at the end of the chapter. However, an exercise will be presented.