Sorry! Under Construction! | but here's what we have so far... |
The idea was to build a compact 3-band antenna tuner, in an Altoids tin (what else?), to be used with the original AT-Sprint, which covers 40/30/20 Meters. The tin would enclose three independent L-nets, and was intended to feed an 86 ft end-fed "Inverted L" wire, working against a counterpoise system consisting of two 1/4-wave radials on each band. The antenna system was modeled in EZ-NEC for Windows, and the results were used to calculate the predicted L-Net needed for a match. Here's the schematic:
Trimmers were to be adjusted in the field using a plastic tool, which is velcroed to the inside of the cover, along with a schematic to remind me what I was doing HI HI. Here' s a picture of the "guts" of the unit: